HKT 2023-11-05 16:00
$ 5,190.23
GMT 2023-11-05 00:00
$ 5,190.23
HKT 2023-11-05 16:00
$ 5,190.23
GMT 2023-11-05 00:00
$ 5,190.23
Tether USDt
HKT 2023-11-05 16:00
$ 5,190.23
GMT 2023-11-05 00:00
$ 5,190.23
USD Coin
HKT 2023-11-05 16:00
$ 5,190.23
GMT 2023-11-05 00:00
$ 5,190.23
Cryptocurrency Large Market Cap Index
Accuracy - Accurate representation of the value of large virtual assets.
Weight Distribution - The influence of digital currencies in the index is in line with their actual influence in the market.
Fairness - Strict evaluation criteria and methods ensure that the composition and calculation methods of the index are fair and transparent.
Transparency - The composition and calculation methods of cryptocurrencies are publicly available.
Index for Low-Risk Cryptocurrency
Accuracy - Accurate representation of the value of lower-risk cryptocurrencies.
Weight Distribution - Weigh the performance of each virtual asset equally, taking into account risk.
Fairness - Strict evaluation criteria and methods ensure that the composition and calculation methods of the index are fair and transparent.
Transparency - The composition and calculation methods of cryptocurrencies are publicly available.
The Exchange Rating provided by SFC license 10 FrancXav Asia Ratings adopts a rating system that combines strict data-driven and expert-driven approaches, utilizing different dimensions of data. Therefore, it has the following features:
multi-dimensional data and data-driven methods that can more accurately reflect the future risks of exchanges and virtual assets.
objective data that avoids the possibility of human intervention and conflicts of interest, resulting in more objective rating results.
the ability to quickly monitor virtual asset risks and exchange operations using objective data.
assists regulatory authorities in monitoring potential risks in the virtual market and exchange operations.
helps exchanges better understand virtual asset risks and potential risks, such as running digital assets with different levels of risk based on different operational strategies.
HKVAC provides fair and objective credit ratings issued by a licensing rating agency to their members, to reflect the reputations of all trading platforms, which helps reducing information asymmetry between market participants and promotes fair competition. In Addition, HKVAC plays an important role in promoting transparency and accountability in cryptocurrency trading market.
The first time the exchange is being rated.
The exchange entity will be under constant surveillance. Triggers, highlights and other warnings shall be published.
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